
Favorite Works of Art

I am fortunate to have been raised in an artistic household with an appreciation of the arts. Our home was full of literature, poetry,...

Writer’s & Artist’s Quotes On Imagination

Imagination: the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality. Fancy, vision,...

The Frick Art Collection, NYC

When I move to New York City I lived in Battery Park on Manhattan. As I discovered the City I came upon Frick Art...

My Life In Photography

Tom Weschler with Al Jarreau, Wesschler For more than 60 years I have been taking photographs of music related subjects. After a few years I...

Rembrandt’s Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer

While visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, I came upon Rembrandt’s painting Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer, dated 1653....

U.S. Arts Participation Alive and Strong

America loves art. Contrary to media speculation and false rumors, the arts are alive and well in the U.S. All forms of performing, visual,...

Were American Artists Puppets of the Cold War Military Industrial Complex?

Or: How I learned to stop worrying about the Bomb and love my Rothko prints. The Cold War lasted nearly fifty years and was waged...

Robert Jr. Whitall Tribute

Robert Jr. Whitall, April 14, 1948-April 24, 2024 One of the titans of the Detroit and national blues music scene is gone. Robert Jr. Whitall...

Detroit A Top Destination City: Conde Nast Traveler

Detroit emerges as a beacon, drawing attention from a wanderlust of travelers far and wide. Condé Nast has placed Detroit on the map as...

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