Aoide Magazine: Three Years Old, 2024!

“Muses work all day and then get together at night and dance.” – Edgar Degas

“Everywhere I go I hand out my Aoide Magazine business card and show people the website on my phone. Young and old of all ethnic and social backgrounds love the look, creativity, and the variety of topics. The magazine shows them culture that many have never seen before.” (Bruce Wood)

We are glad to announce that Aoide Magazine has been providing readers sophisticated content for three years since its launch in June 2021. Currently the magazine has grown to over 350,000 visitors and expects to reach 500,000 in 2024 and over one million in 2025.

Aoide Magazine is an online underground cultural exchange of ideas shared by artists, writers, musicians and stylists of all sorts. It offers sophisticated, intelligent, artistic, and entertaining content.

Named after the first Greek Muse of art and music. The online magazine centers around Culture and Style with a tilt towards the Golden Age. Aoide Magazine content is an eclectic mix of both Retro and Contemporary topics and genres. It attracts writers and artists to participate and seeks partners in the visual, performing, literary, fashion, and culinary arts.

Pavarotti's last great tragic role

Luciano Pavarotti

“I have been a writer my whole life – I developed Aoide Magazine to write what I am passionate about – style, art, music, dance, literature, poetry, theatre, film noir – genres I grew up with and have continued to study into adulthood. The idea for Aoide came to me thinking back on the late 1990s Swing Revival trend that reinvigorated the excitement of ballroom dancing, big band swing, jazz clubs and festivals, lounge crooners, film noir movies, Frank Sinatra Rat Pack, James Bond, the Madmen TV Show, fancy cocktails, retro fashion and style, and more.” (Bruce Wood)

Aoide Magazine was formed by Bruce J. Wood, a writer/poet, dancer, and performing arts consultant. Award winning designer and serial entrepreneur Chris Nierhaus developed the brand, website design, graphics, and social media. Amy Tranchida-Waldschmidt, a professional dance instructor and college professor of English and creative writing, contributed to the website’s editing, content design, and articles. The magazine quickly attracted a network of talented writers, artists, musicians, dancers, poets, stylists, and filmmakers.

Miles Davis & John Coltrane, "So what", live in Stockholm, 1960 - YouTube

John Coltrane and Miles Davis

Concept, Values, Vision

Aoide Magaine was created to fill the chasm in cultural coverage between creativity and the dreck spoon-fed to the masses by the global media.

The original concept was to have an online magazine on culture and style with a hip, retro, film noir look and feel and with a jazz nightclub ambience. The magazine looks to the 1940s, 1950s and early 1960s Golden Age of style, Hollywood, Broadway, jazz, art, drama, dance, fashion, literature, and culture. The articles are eclectic retro and contemporary topics of the arts, culture, and style. Readers are offered sophisticated intellectual content with aesthetic appeal, often with a flair for the offbeat and provocative.

Herman Leonard, Frank Sinatra, NYC (singing), 1956 | Peter Fetterman Gallery

Frank Sinatra

The Goal of Aoide Magazine is to support writers, artists, stylists, and creatives. Its Values look to the excellence and style of the Golden Age as the standard measure. With an overall Mission to support the growth of literary, visual, and performing arts in the U.S. As well, support high quality style and value standards in the arts, fashion, and décor.

Aoide adheres to the concept that there is good art and that there is bad art. It disagrees with the current trend that ‘anything goes’ in the expression, theme, format, and content of art. Art involves the aesthetic concept of Beauty in art and Nature, a principle that art and Nature evoke a pleasing, intellectual, emotional, and ‘uplifitng’ experience of the mind, senses, and spirit. Art can be provocative, challenging, offbeat, disturbing, and shocking, but the key criteria is if it is good art.

The Iconic Audrey Hepburn - ReelRundown

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Deep Bench of Talent

Aoide has a deep bench of creative talent who immerse themselves in retro and contemporary art, music, film, food, style, dance, poetry, and prose to deliver content designed to appeal to creative, intelligent, and affluent readers.

The magazine has a talented core network:

  • 6 novelists
  • 6 professional fine artists
  • 4 writers with creative writing degrees, one a creative writing professor
  • 8 musicians/ singers, one an invitee to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame
  • 11 film/TV producers/writers, 3 with Emmy awards
  • 12 professional dancers, 3 world champions, 5 national champions
  • 8 photographers
  • 4 published poets
  • 4 actors of stage and screen
  • 4 fashion designers
  • 3 digital tech specialists
  • 3 gourmet chefs

“Over the past three years, I have enjoyed collaborating with Bruce Wood on the development of Aoide Magazine. It’s been a pleasure to contribute to and edit a broad spectrum of articles on culture and style. Aoide’s diverse content offers both social commentary and artistic insights to delight myriad readers. Happy 3rd Birthday, Aoide!” Amy Tranchida-Waldschmidt, professional ballroom dance instructor and college professor of English and creative writing.

“I enjoy writing for Aoide Magazine because of the editorial freedom to choose the majority of my assignments, write in the style of my choosing (only the best), and the magazine’s willingness to write fearlessly about highly charged issues affecting art, music, and literature from the jazz to the electronic age. As a contributor, it’s cool to see new writers and artists joining the team to lend their unique perspective to the universe of Aoide.” Andrew Bufalini, freelance writer, software and advertising industries.

Who is Billie Holiday? | Classical Music

Billie Holiday

“I harbor a profound appreciation for the interplay of contemporary perspectives and mid-20th-century narratives portrayed within the pages of Aoide Magazine. This nuanced blend of eras captures both the modern essence and the enduring allure of the Golden Age. What distinguishes Aoide is its exceptional talent for blending innovation with nostalgia, paying homage to the echoes of the past offering readers a refined viewpoint through which to appreciate the magazine’s cultural sophistication.” Andrea Houle, writer, cultural arts consultant.

“Writing for Aoide Magazine has been, and continues to be, not just a job but a rich and rewarding experience. Not only is it a great publication, with a diverse entertainment and literary profile, but I have had the pleasure of working with some of the best writers and online designers in the business. Aoide is personally a great vehicle for me too, not only be a way to express my own brand and perspective, but be a part of an organization and platform that is growing its readership/fanbase and expanding exponentially.” Eric Harabadian, freelance journalist, musician, award winning documentary filmmaker.

“Aoide, the Greek Muse of Art and Music. It is my pleasure to write for this wonderful, free thinking, artful, and so very eclectic source of inspiration, Aoide Magazine. I am able to share my music related photographs by incorporating them in my articles and stories. A great read awaits!” Tom Weschler, photographer, art teacher, invitee to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.

Casablanca at 75: fascinating facts about one of the most famous films of  all time | CBC Radio

Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca

Target Readers

Though Aoide Magazine offers content for all ages, readers tend to be educated adults with some college or with college degrees, who are enthusiasts of the arts and culture which represent 157.8 million Americans. Creatives and knowledge workers are 30% of the workforce which make up 46 million people. Affluent individuals represent 149.8 million. Readers of online magazines make up 109.3 million.

According to the National Endowment of the Arts, there are 175 million adults who participate in the arts, 136.7 million who read books, 103.2 million who attend visual art events, 61.9 million active in dance, 108.3 million who attend live music, 59 million who attend theater, 85.1 million who listen to jazz, and 54.1 million who listen to classical music.

Nureyev dancing in Swan Lake - Rudolf Nureyev Foundation | Rudolf noureev,  Margot fonteyn, Noureev

Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev

Looking Toward the Future

Aoide Magazine hopes to grow into a prestigious, national cultural and literary publication with millions of readers. Its goal is to help foster creativity and excellence in the visual, performing, and literaty arts. Aoide plans to assist aspiring artists, writers, and stylists to reach their artistic potential.

The publication will explore a print version of the magazine, producing videos, a Youtube channel, and celebrity interviews. It will look for opportuities to co-sponsor events for charity and the arts.

Please follow us and tell your friends. Become part of the cultural conversation.

Bruce J. Wood
Bruce J. Wood
Bruce J. Wood, founder of AOIDE Bruce J. Wood has worked on Wall Street in business finance and strategy, and has written hundreds of finance business plans, strategic plans, economic feasibility studies, and economic impact studies. Bruce has lectured on creativity and strategic thinking, as well as worked on the development of numerous publishing, film, television, and performing arts projects, along with downtown revitalizations, using the arts as an economic catalyst. As an aficionado of music, art, and dance, Bruce is also a writer and an outdoor enthusiast. He has written poetry, blogs, articles, and many creative project concepts. He lives in the Metro Detroit area and enjoys writing poetry, backpacking, and ballroom dancing.

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  1. Remembering is living, I may not be your target audience, but I really like reading, writing and learning, I appreciate a good read, whether literal or fictional. PS: Write about Billie Holiday.

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