The Killer is a neo-noir psychological thriller to be released in November, 2023. The film is based on the French award winning graphic novel series about an assassin written by Alexis Nolent.
The Killer, French graphic novel
The film is directed by three time Oscar nominated David Fincher who is known for psychological thriller movies, such as Seven, The Game, Fight Club, Panic Room, Zodiac, and Gone Girl.
Micheal Fassbenger plays the Killer. He is known for Prometheus, X-Men series, Steve Jobs, Alien Convenant, and Centurian. Tilda Swinton co-stars, she is known for Suspiria, Doctor Strange, Orlando, Constantine, and Micheal Clayton.
Other cast members include Kerry O’Malley, Arliss Howard, Charles Parnell, and Sophie Charlotte.
David Fincher